Um dos mais importantes e conhecidos escandinavistas do mundo, o arqueólogo britânico Neil Price, estará publicando seu mais novo livro em outubro.
A obra Odin's Whisper: Death and the Vikings contém algumas das reflexões do pesquisador sobre suas investigações arqueológicas mais recentes, envolvendo o tema de sepultamentos na Escandinávia da Era Viking. Nesta perspectiva, Price explora as conexões religiosas, mitológicas, cosmológicas e escatológicas que estiveram relacionadas com as noções de vida após a morte e fé entre os nórdicos.
Neil Price é professor de Arqueologia da Universidade de Aberdeen, na Escócia e autor do clássico The viking way: Religion and War in the Later Iron Age of Scandinavia.
Uma entrevista em português com o arqueólogo pode ser conferida clicando aqui.
O novo livro será publicado pela editora Reaktion Books. Segue a resenha disponível nas editoras: The Viking period, which stretched from the eighth to the eleventh century, left behind half a million graves, many containing whole ships, sumptuous goods, and even the bodies of slaves or loved ones sacrificed alongside those who had died. Revealing that it was in death that the Viking view of life was most clearly distilled, Odin’s Whisper uses Norse mythology and recent archaeological evidence to draw a compelling picture of the Viking mind.
In this in-depth account, Neil Price argues that it is by understanding Viking burial that we can best understand the thought and mythology of this fascinating culture. Price contextualizes how Vikings grasped death within the Ragnarök—the immense battle of the living, dead, gods, and humans that would ultimately consume the world in fire—and illustrates that their conception of the afterlife was seen only as a respite before this end. He also shows that this violent view of the afterlife informed their funeral practice, divulging blood-curdling accounts of the sacrifices and rapes that occasionally marked burials. Filled with striking illustrations and reconstructions of graves, Odin’s Whispercasts new light on Norse beliefs about death and, in turn, what these notions tell us of their beliefs about life.
Para o site da Amazon para o novo livro, clique aqui.